浙江兆事达智能家居股份有限公司系HD4U HOLDING AB(瑞典)在国内设立的一家外商独资企业,前身杭州万事达装饰用品有限公司,于2006年7月正式在国内投产,2016年8月搬迁至长安高新区。主要生产窗帘、窗饰及其他室内家纺用品,产品销往欧洲、加拿大、东南亚、俄罗斯、中东等国家及地区,并已在欧洲市场占有一定的份额,公司以诚信、实力和产品质量获得业界的认可。
我公司的投资方HD4U HOLDIN AB生产的产品在欧美市场受到热爱,再加上中国工厂产品价格的优越性,使我们产品更具竞争力。现已与瑞典的 Torkelson Mobel AB(生产家具产品), Lectus Sangar AB(生产家纺用品)建立了长期合作的关系。
We are a complete supplier of textiles and components for the production of innovative and fashionable blinds and other sun protection products, with the Scandinavian feeling or other style.
In our design studio we create designs and components inspired by our Scandinavian heritage. We keep up do date with trends and combine fashion with innovative function and exciting new technology in the area of sun shading. From our Swedish office we also provide service for our customers and ensure that we deliver Scandinavian quality in everything we do.
HD4U is a manufacturer located in Hangzhou, China which offers Scandinavian Design and Global Solutions and we have three brand names--Descotex, Hasta and Skansen.
We specialize in developing Fabric, Hard Ware Components and Ready Made products for Windows and Homes, besides we have assorted digital print machine, production equipment and complete assortment stock for fabric and hard ware components which can be used to produce designed fabrics and made to measure blinds without worrying about minimum order quantity.
As an OEM supplier, our products are sold to well-known brands all over the world.公司地址:连杭经济开发区依江路8号(之江路与启辉路交叉口向西300米,右手边) (邮编:310018)
更新时间:2021年1月15日 06:12
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