1978年起,宝成工业进入运动鞋制造之领域;其后,随着产品质量的精进、生产制程的整合、以及研发设计能力的增强,宝成工业由经营初期的纯代工制造(OEM)转型为代工设计制造(ODM),代工的主要国际品牌包括: Nike、adidas、Reebok、Asics、Under Armour、New Balance、Puma、Converse、Salomon及Timberland等。为能分散生产基地及善用海外地区较低廉之生产环境,宝成工业透过转投资之裕元工业(集团)有限公司 (下称「裕元工业」) 于1980年代后期陆续前往中国、印度尼西亚及越南等地设厂,而为进一步提高制鞋业务之效率,以及显现垂直整合之效益,宝成工业于2002年11月将旗下67家鞋材厂转售予裕元工业,使制鞋业务得统筹由裕元工业负责营运。现时,宝成工业及其子公司(「宝成国际集团」)为全球***的运动鞋及休闲鞋制造商,鞋类年产量超过3亿双,约占全球运动鞋及休闲鞋市场以批发价格计算之20%。In the late 1970s, Pou Chen began to produce athletic footwear on an original equipment manufacturer (OEM) basis. With the enhanced product quality, integrated manufacturing process and improved R&D ability, Pou Chen, from a simply OEM, successfully turned to be an original design manufacturer (ODM) for major international brand name companies such as Nike, adidas, Reebok, Asics, Under Armour, New Balance, Puma, Converse, Salomon and Timberland. Based on the risk diversification and cost saving consideration, Pou Chen via its major subsidiary, Yue Yuen Industrial (Holdings) Ltd. (Yue Yuen), expanded production bases to China, Indonesia, Vietnam, United States and Mexico from 1980s. In 2002, Pou Chen sold its interests in 67 companies engaged in footwear material manufacturing to Yue Yuen as part of the Group’s strategy to vertically integrate its footwear business within Yue Yuen. Nowadays, the Group is the largest branded athletic and casual footwear manufacturer in the world, and it can produce over 300 million pairs of shoes per annum. The Group accounts for approximately 20% of the combined wholesale value of the global branded athletic and casual footwear market.公司地址:广东省东莞市高埗镇裕元工业区 (邮编:523000)
更新时间:2021年1月15日 23:33
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