无锡亮源激光(LumiSource inc.)
无锡亮源激光技术有限公司(LumiSource Inc.)是中国领先的半导体激光器和激光系统提供商。公司位于无锡高科技园区,在苏州工业园区设有子公司,是一家拥有自主知识产权的激光企业,公司致力于打造拥有核心技术的中国激光企业。亮源激光引进欧美先进激光制造技术,填补国内空白,以大功率半导体激光器封装技术和精密光学整形技术为平台,致力于大功率半导体激光器(单管、BAR条、光纤耦合激光器)以及线激光应用系统的开发、生产和销售。公司引入了一大批国内外的技术精英和博士,以及在激光、光学、机械、电子及计算机软件等领域有着丰富经验的专业研发和高素质高学历人才组成。让我们成为国内一流、世界领先的激光公司,并为客户、员工和股东创造***价值是亮源人的目标。公司依托雄厚的技术实力,坚持用户至上,质量***的方针,公司自成立以来,凭借优质的产品、领先的技术和高效的服务深得用户的信赖和赞誉。今后,公司将继续秉承制造中国人自己的激光的发展目标,真诚为广大客户提供更优质的产品和服务;我们期待着您的合作与支持,让我们携手共进、共创辉煌!LumiSource Technologies (LST) is a supplier in semiconductor laser device, laser module and laser system. Located in High Technology Park, WuXi, LumiSource holds a number of key technologies in laser product development and manufacturing. We are aiming to become leading company in China semiconductor laser application industry.Our goal is to provide the best service to our customers and maximize value for not only LumiSource but also to our customers. Our mission is to serve for customers with the best quality. Since the establishment of LumiSource, the company has built reputation in safety monitoring applications such as oil field, railway, boarder petrol etc. LuminSource will continue to provide our customers with the best product quality and service. We are looking forward to your co-operative and supportive business.
LumiSource introduces advanced technology from Europe and America to develop its own laser products. Two platforms are available for laser product development: laser device packaging and optic beam shaping. Major business areas of LumiSource include laser illumination monitoring system, laser application in industrial, medical and entertainment sections. Core team of LumiSource is highly experienced in high power semiconductor laser product development with over 20 years direct industrial experience in optoelectronics, mechanical engineering and software product development, marketing and sales.
公司网址:********************公司地址:无锡市锡山经济开发区芙蓉中三路99号 (邮编:214192)
更新时间:2021年1月15日 08:46
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匿名网友 发表时间:2021年1月15日 05:48
匿名网友 发表时间:2021年1月15日 22:20
匿名网友 发表时间:2021年1月15日 09:45
匿名网友 发表时间:2021年1月15日 04:25
无锡亮源激光(LumiSource inc.),爱情的结果无非就是两种,五个字,我们分手吧和我们结婚吧。
匿名网友 发表时间:2021年1月15日 16:23