St George’s Education, is a newly establish training school business that will teach general English to children of 3-12 years old, as well as a behavioural training curriculum to establish values of politeness and cooperation between students.圣乔治教育是一所新成立的培训学校。我们专注于教授3岁到12岁的幼少儿英语,与此同时还包含一系列的行为礼仪课程来提升孩子们的价值观和相互合作的能力。
The first school will be established in Xinbei near Wanda shopping centre. A 520 square meter school with 10 classrooms and a capacity to serve up to 1000 students per week. Among the founders of the school include a shareholder of BE Education, which operates the reputable Wycombe Abbey International School in Changzhou.
The brand name of St. George’s Education is taken from the patron saint of England which has a historical legendary story involving Knights and dragons from which characters can be created for children to enjoy.
??School curriculums 学校课程
The school will use an English language teaching curriculum from major publisher Macmillan which is supported with strong educational materials, including student’s book, students activity book, teacher’s book, interactive ebook and online support. The behavioural curriculum will be developed by the Education team employed by the school.
The students will be given a school uniform including a blazer, shirt and tie to signify the brands quality but also with an understanding of the image of the very reputable international school in Changzhou Wycombe Abbey.
??School Teachers and environment 学校师资和环境
The school will open with 3 experienced and dedicated native speaking Education experts and will recruit further British teachers when needed. There will be sales, marketing, education and customer service departments within the school. Classrooms will be comfortable learning environments and fitted with interactive touch screen televisions.
学校前期会有3名经验丰富的英语为母语国家的教育专家担任教师,并将在需要时招聘更多的英国教师。学校设有销售部,市场部,教育部和客户服务部门。我们的教室环境舒适并且配备了互动式触摸屏电视。公司地址:鄞州区区政府附近 (邮编:213000)
更新时间:2021年1月15日 20:42
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