德国普旭股份有限公司(Busch SE)创建于 1963 年,总部位于德国马尔堡。作为全球领先的真空和正压设备制造商,Busch 普旭在德国、瑞士、英国、捷克、韩国、美国共拥有 6 家现代化制造工厂,连同遍布于 44 个主要工业国家的 66 家分公司及完善的经销服务网络为全球用户提供专业服务。Busch 普旭真空解决方案在真空包装、化工及制药、塑胶、气力输送、真空搬运、电子及电力、燃油蒸汽回收、生物燃料、污水、风能、医疗、分析及实验室、车辆及运输、机械制造、冶金以及其它极具挑战的工业领域,例如:半导体、平板显示器、太阳能有着广泛的应用。
普旭真空设备国际贸易(上海)有限公司及普旭真空技术(上海)有限公司是德国 Busch 普旭在中国的全资子公司,位于上海闵行紫竹高新技术产业园区,占地约 20,000 平方米,装备精良的维修车间配有先进的成套进口设施用于净化(除污)、检测、维修及测试,以提供专业全套的售后服务。另设有真空系统制造和调试车间,可以自主完成系统设计、组装和调试,以确保为客户量身定制的系统达到 Busch 普旭全球的严苛标准。
Busch 普旭中国负责 Busch 普旭公司所有产品系列在中国大陆及中国香港、澳门地区的独家销售和服务业务,并分别在天津、深圳设有办事处,连同遍布于北京、广州、成都等 11 个城市的当地销售及工程师,致力于为中国客户提供快捷、专业的服务。
上海市闵行区紫星路 1200 号 ?邮编:200241
电话:+86 21 6760 0800
传真:+86 21 6760 0700
BBusch Vacuum Solutions is one of the largest manufacturers of vacuum pumps and systems, blowers, and compressors in the world. Its headquarters is in Maulburg, and the international corporate group's German production facility and German sales company are also based there. There are additional production facilities located in Switzerland, the US, Korea, the UK and the Czech Republic. Together with a world-wide subsidiary and representative network consisting of 66 local companies in 44 countries including Busch China, we are committed to serve customers throughout the world.
Busch Vacuum Solutions serves a host of industries ranging from vacuum packaging, chemical and pharmaceutical, plastics, pneumatic conveying, vacuum lifting, electronics and electrical power, fuel vapor recovery, biofuel, sewage, wind energy, medical, analytics and laboratory, automotive and transport, machine building, metallurgy and other harsh applications such as semicon, flat panel and solar.
Busch Vacuum (Shanghai) Co., Ltd. and Busch Vacuum Technologies (Shanghai) Co., Ltd. are wholly-owned subsidiaries of Busch SE, Germany. Our facilities in Minhang Zizhu Hi-Tech Industrial Development Zone boasts of a floor area of nearly 20,000 square meters with well-equipped repair and service, inventory for new pumps and spare parts as well as professional and well-trained sales, technical and service personnels who are always ready to serve customers in local market.
Busch China offers the exclusive sales and service business of all Busch products in mainland China, Hong Kong and Macau. We have also established sales offices in Tianjin and Shenzhen. Together with local sales and engineers in 11 cities, including Guangzhou, Chengdu and Wuhan, we are dedicated to offer Chinese customers fast and professional service.
Busch Vacuum (Shanghai) Co., Ltd.
Busch Vacuum Technologies (Shanghai) Co., Ltd.
No. 1200, Zixing Road, Minhang District, Shanghai, 200241
Tel.: +86 21 6760 0800
Fax: +86 21 6760 0700
公司上下班在地铁5号线东川路地铁站设有短驳班车。符合条件的员工可实行弹性工作制。公司地址:上海市闵行区紫星路1200号 (邮编:200241)
更新时间:2021年1月15日 06:41
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匿名网友 发表时间:2021年1月15日 05:49
匿名网友 发表时间:2021年1月15日 04:37
匿名网友 发表时间:2021年1月15日 23:59
普旭真空设备国际贸易(上海)有限公司,很好 嘿嘿 入门的
匿名网友 发表时间:2021年1月15日 04:26