德英乐教育作为万科业务的重要组成部分,立足万科集团资源优势,快速发展,现已涵盖公办教育、民办教育、素质教育三大教育体系,参与教学管理的学校及幼儿园已达到21所,累计在读人数超过4000人,覆盖2-18岁的学龄儿童。德英乐教育肩负社会责任,助力教育事业发展,激发无限潜能,致力于成为K-12全品类客户首选的教育服务商。DTD education is an educational brand owned by Vanke, with the support of Vanke, DTD has been able to develop quickly and now covered Public Education, Private Education and Enrichment Education, and has participated in teaching management with 21 schools and kindergartens, with a total of more than 4000 students, covering children aged 2-18. DTD Education upholds social responsibility, boosts educational excellence, inspires unlimited potential and strives to become the preferred education service provider for K-12 to customers.
核心理念 Mission
开拓全球视野 Develop Global Vision
激发无限潜能 Inspire Unlimited Potential
培养目标 Goal
培养立身世界的中华英才 To Foster Chinese Talents to Stand Out in The World
联系方式 Contact
招聘邮箱 Email:hr@dtd-edu.cn
官方网站 Website:**************
//德英乐及旗下学校联合招聘 DTD Education and affiliate school / kindergarten//
中小学 Primary & Middle Schools
复旦万科实验学校 Fudan-Vanke Experimental Private School
闵行万科双语学校 Vanke Bilingual School
浦东民办万科学校 Vanke School, Pudong
高中 High Schools
上海德英乐学院 Shanghai DTD Academy
浦东民办万科学校高中 Vanke School Pudong High School Department
幼儿园 Kindergartens
闵行万科幼儿园 Vanke Kindergarten, Minghang
浦东民办万科幼儿园 Vanke Kindergarten, Pudong
宁波德英乐幼儿园 Haishu DTD Kindergarten, Ningbo
周浦德英乐幼儿园 DTD Kindergarten, Zhoupu
静安德英乐幼儿园 DTD Kindergarten, Jingan
托育园 Community Childcare Centers
闵行新虹幼儿托管点 Community childcare center, Xinghong
闵行虹桥镇幼儿托管点 Community childcare center, Hongqiao公司地址:闵行区七莘路3568号 (邮编:201100)公司官网:http://www.dtd-edu.cn
更新时间:2021年1月15日 14:30
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脖子真可爱? 顶着一张猪脑袋
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