佛吉亚集团中国区Faurecia Group in China
创立于1997年的佛吉亚集团已发展成为全球领先的汽车零部件科技公司。在全球35个国家建立了290家工厂和30处研发中心,拥有109,000名员工。佛吉亚业务领域:座椅系统、内饰系统、绿动智行系统和佛吉亚歌乐汽车电子, 围绕智享车上生活和创赢绿动未来这两大技术战略方向提供解决方案。2017年,集团总销售额达到202亿欧元,实现增值销售额170亿欧元。佛吉亚的股票在泛欧巴黎证券交易所上市,是法国CAC40 Next 20指数的重要组成部分。
Founded in 1997, Faurecia has grown to become a major player in the global automotive industry. With 290 sites including 30 R&D centers and 109,000 employees in 35 countries, Faurecia areas of business: automotive seating, interior systems, clean mobility and Faurecia Clarion Electronics. Faurecia has focused its technology strategy on providing solutions for smart life on board and sustainable mobility. In 2017, the Group posted total sales of ?20.2 billion and value-added sales of ?17.0 billion. Faurecia is listed on the Euronext Paris stock exchange and is a component of the CAC Next 20 index.
Faurecia entered China in the 1990's. Operating in China for over 20 years, Faurecia has underwent fast development and regard China market as one of its core market. ?Its current businesses in China include emissions control systems, automobile seating, automotive interior and Faurecia Clarion Electronics. Faurecia employs around 19000 employees in China, 1800 of whom are engineers to cover the major automotive manufacturing areas. ?Now, Faurecia is operating 70 plants and 4 technical centers in China.
Strategic priorities - Sustainable mobility and Smart life on board
1. Sustainable mobility创赢绿动未来:
Faurecia is driving improvement in air quality and fuel consumption with a combination of lightweight technologies, composites and bio materials, emissions reduction solutions and energy recovery systems.
2. Smart life on board智享车上生活:
Faurecia’s innovative on board approach combines enhanced safety and well-being with seamless integration of electronics and new materials. Adaptable to different driving models, our versatile Cockpit of the Future offers a connected, predictive on board experience.
佛吉亚创新性的方案组合,通过电子件和新材料的无缝集成,确保安全和舒适。通过多样化的驱动模型,未来的驾驶室为用户提供连贯可预测性的驾驶体验公司地址:闵行区元江路3438号 (邮编:201109)公司官网:http://www.faurecia.cn
更新时间:2021年1月15日 01:57
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