广东华盛投资集团是一家集投资、房地产开发、工程建设、物业管理、酒店投资及管理等为一体的综合性集团公司,旗下拥有全资子公司广州华盈股权投资管理有限公司、广东华盛建设有限公司、中山市辰洋房地产开发有限公司、广州市粤平物业管理有限公司、中山市辰洋物业管理有限公司等。集团旗下华盛建设公司是广东省最早一批获得国家批准拥有建筑工程施工总承包及市政公用工程施工总承包两个壹级资质的企业,一直秉持“精雕细琢、精益求精”的工匠精神,不仅做到工程质量合格率100%,更是取得了无数个省、市样板工程、五羊杯奖乃至中国建设工程鲁班奖。集团所投资开发的房地产项目也荣获了“中国名盘”、“***品质楼盘”、“广州十大高端社区”、 “广州十大宜居楼盘”等多项荣誉。十多年来华盛集团一直践行着对社会的郑重承诺“做一个讲道德,有社会责任感的企业”,华盛集团以其高度的社会责任感、卓越的产品品质、精益求精的态度,荣获2012年度“胡润百富榜年度产业贡献奖”,连续18年被评为行业先进单位和“重合同守信用企业”,受到社会各界好评。
华盛集团在追求企业发展的同时积极回馈社会,2001年为支持广东省教育事业,企业以自有资金2亿元,投资建设了广东省首个亦是至今规模***的大学生公寓,解决了数十万大学生住宿难的问题。十多年来华盛集团持续不断地捐资助学,并于2016年正式成立 “华盛?大学小筑助学基金”,希望能借此帮助到更多需要帮助的贫困优秀学生梦圆大学,获得了汕头市人民政府授予的“爱心慈善之星”和“扶贫助学突出贡献奖”。
Group Profile:
Guangdong Huasheng Investment Group Co., Ltd. (HS Group) is a professional investment and development firm specializing in private equity investment, real estate development, construction service, property management and hospitality management.
The group’s sole subsidiary, HS Construction, is one of the first batch has obtained two national licenses of First-Class qualifications in Guangdong Province: Construction General Contractor and Contractor of Municipal Public Construction. Craftsmanship spirit is what defines HS Group in property development and construction service, which helps the group gaining a large number of prizes, such as the “Wuyang Cup Award” and the “Luban Award”, also named “National Prime-Quality Project”, the top honors in China construction industry. Moreover, our property development projects are being awarded the China Famous Residence, The Best Quality Estate, Top Ten Communities in Guangzhou, Top Ten Liveable Residence in Guangzhou and many other honors in several real estate developments. During the past ten years, we always value the importance of being a moral, responsible and reputable enterprise, and there believes help us to assesse as the “Industry Advanced Corporation” and the “Trustworthy Enterprise for 18 consecutive years by the government. The group also won the 2012 annual Hu Run Report Chinese Industry Award”.
In private equity investment sector, we have completed a number of investments with more than RMB500 Million in several fields, including Medicine, Healthcare, AI, and Big Data Analysis. We look for more investment opportunities with innovation technologies and business models, especially in the Great Bay Area. At the meanwhile, we actively expand our business in Hong Kong and Australia.
Huasheng Group has strong sense of social responsibility and actively contributes to the community. In 2001, the group invested the first and by far the largest student accommodation in Guangzhou with RMB200 million to support higher education, which solved the shortage of student housing issue in the state. Also, the group has continuously provided financial aid to students from low-income families for more than 10 years. In 2016, the group established the “University Villas - Student Aid Fund” to help more students in need. And the fund was awarded with the “Charity Star” and “Outstanding Contribution Award” by the Shantou City Government.
The pursuit of excellence and improvement has always been the faith of Huasheng Group, and with such faith, it shall help to conquer all the challenges in the future. The group is more than willing to cooperate with business partners from different sectors and to share the success together.公司地址:广州市天河路351号外经贸大厦19楼 (邮编:510620)
更新时间:2021年1月15日 08:21
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