Parkview Green is unlike any other development in Beijing. Located in the middle of Beijing in the Central Business District Parkview Green is a potent symbol of a new way of thinking.Parkview Green is an intelligent building that sets new standards in both form and function. This vast urban pyramid enveloping four towers of office, retail and living space is effectively a world of its own. The building’s external glass and steel architecture not only fills it with light, it is also provides the structure for the building’s own microclimate. As well as making the building extremely energy-efficient the main benefit is around quality of life
Parkview Green’s use of innovative environmental technologies and appropriate building materials results in energy usage approx. 50% lower than that for other buildings similar in size. Parkview Green thus became the first integrated commercial project to be awarded LEED Green Building Rating System Platinum certification.
雄踞北京中央商务区, 侨福芳草地与北京其它任何建筑项目皆迥然相异,将成为绿色新思维的象征性建筑。
四座塔楼由巨大金字塔外形的环保罩所覆盖,形成独特的微型气候环境,可保护内部空间不受外部环境侵扰,既满足舒适度又高效存储热力能源,有效节能并降低能源足迹。通透的玻璃幕墙及钢架结构,良好的采光与自然通风,为写字楼租户、商场租户、顾客与酒店住户带来极为舒适的室内微型气候, 让您身处室内自在舒适,抱拥户外明媚蓝天与自然日光。侨福芳草地领先的绿色设计,为室内空气质量提供强有力地保证,创造出一个四季如春、舒适清新的绿色环境。
Parkview Green芳草地利用创新的环保技术以及对建筑材料的斟酌使用,使得能源使用量为同等规模建筑标准的50%。从而成为中国***个获得绿色建筑评估体系LEED铂金级认证的综合性商业项目。
E-mail:hr@parkviewgreen.com.cn公司地址:北京市朝阳区东大桥路9号侨福芳草地 (东大桥蓝岛南200米) (邮编:100020)公司官网:http://www.parkviewgreen.com
更新时间:2021年1月15日 13:14
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最好的友谊是什么?你智障多年,我不离不弃 。