iMagic was founded 2012 with solid basement, the board of directors are in depth of kitchen appliances field over the last 25 years with multi-business investment divisions of Manufacturing, R&D, Engineering Solution, CKD Package Service, & CBU Production. The group of companies target to combines our factories set up Kitchen Appliances Ecosystem Supplying Chain to adapt fast moving market environment nowadays, which we have keep extending our investment in all relate divisions yearly.Besides manufacturing, we aware that it is important to be an engineering & marketing solution provider, improving iMagic from a traditional OEM manufacturer. And the core responsibility of business partner with those who have been continuously giving supports as we are able to develop the new technology and innovative products for the right market. In the last 7 years iMagic focus on Asian market providing service to leading brands. While our Tianmei cooker hood factory turnover among top 3 export in volume 2018 (* According to China Custom Export Data), cooker hood we are supplying widely from EU, USA, Asian & S.American.
From 2016, iMagic transform to an Engineering Company by focus on R&D + Marketing, with investment on more factories & product development.
We are among few of the company in this industry globally with Know-How Technology worldwide for Top-Air Gas burner system development. Our vison in this part standing same line as Italy 3 counterparties while already start supplying world leading brands since recent years.
洞悉行业现状,联合行业人才, 投资制造、整合研发、营销,贯通配件品牌升级、创新研发驱动销售、结合专业营销,分析大数据,布局全球,美致已与多个全球知名品牌合作并在多个国家建立合作组装产线。通过掌握关键零部件核心技术,创立品牌,立足长远发展,2019 顺势应变,蓄势待发。公司地址:黄圃镇大雁工业区魁中路8-1号 (邮编:528429)
更新时间:2021年1月14日 05:52
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