杭州木帛服饰有限公司是一家集营销,设计生产于一体的专业化女装公司.公司在2002年创立,经过近15年的不断发展,现已在激烈的市场竞争中脱颖而出,逐渐成为中国女装的知名品牌,公司产品现已畅销全国20多个省市自治区,展望未来,木帛将以多元化的客户需求为向导, 结合当代时尚元素,运用华丽舒适的面料,精致的手工细节,柔美多变的线条,以浪漫笔调演绎现代都市***淑女,时尚,优雅的浪漫情怀.木帛坚持诚信为本,品质为本,客户***的价值理念,依靠专业化的品牌运作模式通过高素质专业化的运营与开发团队来建立高效的内部管理流程,为客户提供持续创新性,高品质,高附加值的产品和服务.
MuBo fashion Co., LTD located in Hangzhou is a company that professionally and closely merches the chain of design, produce and market clothing for lady. The company is established in the year of 2002 and now becomes one of the top known and epidemic brands working on lady wears in China throughout the whole process of trail and error whose success closely linked to all the hardworking teams inside the firm during the last nine years.
While MuBo ?does a roaring trade in almost every corner of China , we believe that every detail and move in each clothes should present our very own faith of leading the trend of fashion in the rules of the customers' needs. Through the endless effort of providing latest clothing fashion which varies from the traditional embroidery to the great ideas coming out in the show of Milan to the customers, the enterprise itself and the brand have found a way to romanticly depict a picture of elegant and grace modern ***s.
In a long term, MuBo ?has acted as a large enterprise family to serve society and undertake the responsibilities. Based on not only the high technology as well as well trained professionals in both advancing and marketing agency but also the effective governing process, MuBo ?has optimized products to the combination of creativity, high quality and high value add.公司地址:杭州市余杭区孟沙路8号C幢3层 (邮编:311101)
更新时间:2021年1月14日 24:28
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