华尔道夫酒店系列是希尔顿全球的奢侈品牌。每家华尔道夫皆秉承华尔道夫酒店所独有的品牌传承,极具意义的历史地标建筑、原创艺术的内部装饰、享誉至尊的产品与无与伦比的服务,完美的融为一体。每一家华尔道夫酒店皆被视为“绝佳之精品”。上海外滩华尔道夫酒店一共由 260间客房和套房组成。 酒店的许多客房都能俯瞰迷人的外滩风光,同时也被其他的历史名胜美景所环抱,为客人提供外滩江畔经典而又非同寻常的体验。历史建筑楼华尔道夫会所,坐落于外滩二号,即1910年代著名英国绅士俱乐部—上海总会的旧址。穿过宽阔明朗的中庭,是拔地而起的华尔道夫酒店,同样面向外滩,位于繁华的四川中路。
WALDORF ASTORIA is Hilton worldwide's luxury brand of landmark hotels, with each one as singular and timeless as the brand’s namesake. From classic elegance to modern grandeur, Waldorf Astoria Hotels & Resorts each represent worldly sophistication and unparalleled guest service ,each hotel & resort offers the exquisite accommodations and signature accoutrements that define refinement and sophistication.
Each one is ‘The Greatest of Them All’.
The 260-room Waldorf Astoria Shanghai on the Bund comprises two connecting buildings. The Waldorf Astoria Club (heritage building), which previously housed the renowned Shanghai Club (famed as an exclusive Gentlemen’s Club in the 1920s), is located at No. 2 on the Bund. Across an immaculate courtyard is a new-build contemporary tower located parallel to the Bund, on Sichuan Road.
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交通信息Transportation Information
地铁路线Railway Route
Line-2: Please get off at Nanjing East Road Station though Exit-Three, then about 15 minutes walking distance to hotel.
Line-10: Please get off at Yu Yuan Station though Exit-one, then about 10 minutes walking distance to hotel.
酒店人力资源部办公室地址Hotel HR Department Office Address
-2F, No. 2 Zhongshan Dong Yi Road, Huang Pu District, Shanghai 200002, P.R.C
Please bring a photo (2.5X3.5cm) in color, ID card, a copy of your certificates and other qualifications.公司地址:上海市黄浦区中山东一路2号上海外滩华尔道夫酒店人力资源部 (邮编:200002)
更新时间:2021年1月14日 05:38
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