TI汽车集团(中文译名:迪安汽车部件(天津)有限公司)是全球化的汽车零部件供应商, 向顾客提供完整的燃油储存和输送系统及制动管路系统产品,是全球汽车行业中具有领先地位的系统供应商,具有在电子油泵、多层油箱、油箱总成、多层尼龙软管、硬管和快装接头等方面的领先技术,为世界汽车工业提供全面的解决方案。 TI汽车集团于2002年在中国天津投资建设中国首家生产塑料油箱系统的独资企业—TI天津工厂,近年来TI天津更是获得了飞速发展,业务范围不断扩大,合作伙伴也在不断增多,北京奔驰、东风标致、一汽大众、长城汽车、福建戴姆勒、东风日产、广汽丰田也都先后成为我们的客户,生产规模、销售额及员工数量逐年增长。作为一家拥有百年历史的跨国公司,TI对中国市场抱有坚定的信心,我们将以尖端的技术和可靠的质量与中国汽车行业共同发展。TI Automotive is a global supplier of fully integratedfuel storage and delivery systems for cars and trucks and the leading supplierof fluid carrying systems for braking and powertrain applications to automakersworldwide. TI provides OEMs comprehensive solutions with complete fuel storageand delivery systems, from filler pipe, fuel tank, fuel pump to fuel line andfuel rail. Our global customer base includes every major Original EquipmentManufacturer (OEM) in the world. And we are able to maintain theserelationships by continually adapting as the automotive industry's boundariesexpand across the globe. TI Tianjin plant was established in 2002 as the firstforeign company which product plastic tank in China. We are expanding rapidlyby setting up partnership with OEMs like BBAC, PSA , FAW, Great Wall, Toyota,VW, Nissian etc. and our production capability, sales volume and employeesnumber increase year by year. As a global company with the history of more thanone hundred years, TI has strong faith to the market in China and we willdevelop with China auto motive industry together by providing sophisticatedtechnology and reliable quality.
e-mail: hyye@tifs.com
注:请在邮件主题中注明应聘职位及期望薪金,请勿重复投递或以附件形式发送简历。公司地址:花都区九塘西路1258号(风神大道直行世腾纸箱厂入内500米即到,花都汽车站搭2,5,22,60,61,68路车赤坭方向直达) (邮编:510800)
更新时间:2021年1月14日 19:58
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