I-Shine English 成立于2014年5月,前身为中国台湾、中国香港、新加坡发源的美国K12教学体系,是一家致力于3~18岁国际化精英培育的专业英语语言培训机构,目前旗下三家直营中心的学员总人数已超过1000人。学龄前培养幼儿全语言发展能力,学龄后培养少儿扎实的英语应试能力,十二岁后提供SSAT、SAT、国外留学考试等顾问咨询服务。I-Shine品牌在业界被誉为“公立体系之外的国际学校”,深受上海等地高端精英家庭的青睐。I-Shine致力于打破藩篱,让孩子享受精英教育,严选最有效和地道的海外一流教学资源,落地成最适合中国孩子的教学课程;同时,I-Shine在内容上结合【线下优质常规课】,【线上自研复习打卡】,【欧美本地线上教辅】以及【美式户外优选课】等课程全方位地为孩子提供浸透式国际学习场景,配合有保障的分期付款以及全心全意的服务团队,打造真正的“普惠”国际教育,把选择权交还给孩子,实现传统语言培训机构的全面升级。
Its core values include: “Love for Children”, “High Teaching Proficiency” and “Cutting Edge Philosophy”. Having adopted the teaching methods of Cambridge, Oxford and Edinburgh University, our goal is to build a customized English learning program for China’s next generation.
I-Shine English provides a comprehensive teaching service for learners age 3 to 18 years old. Our goal is to stimulate the entire language development for young learners and cultivate high language competence for school-age learners. For students over 12 years old, we also offer customized classes preparing them for SSAT, SAT and other standardized exams as well as consulting services necessary for applying at high schools and universities abroad.
We firmly believe that “people” are the most valuable asset of an enterprise; therefore, quality teaching relies on quality teachers.
What we are offering is not just a job but a stage for you to show your true talent. Join us and work with the young teachers from all over the world! You will receive comprehensive on-job training, including opportunities to travel overseas.
Today is your opportunity! Become a member of our big I-Shine Family.公司地址:闵行区漕宝路3366号七宝万科广场1层139A室 (邮编:201101)
更新时间:2021年1月14日 03:05
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